Mise en Scene

The main elements of mise-en-scène in the film opening, "Sugar Rush" are costuming, acting, and lighting. The costuming, lighting and several items to help set up the mood for the plot; first, to match the setting of the interview, the prop we used was a black screen to darken the room and the lighting was unnatural which evokes the viewer's feelings of a serious situation that's on screen. For the costuming, it’s meant to be casual and has a reflection on the inhabitants of Everglades Ranch. The first interviewee wears traditional fishing gear, a rather calm outfit to show how out of the ordinary the robbery is. The cashier who was interviewed next has a casual conversation and is more relaxed than the other interviews, showing how he is the type of person to not react much and simply goes with the flow. The last person who is interviewed, is not only anonymous but wears dark colors which symbolizes her very private personality and preference to blend in rather than stand out. The acting goes against everything that’s set up by the mise-en-scène and lighting because they make fun of Florida’s stereotypes and the current situation with their lines.
